Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Pundit

I was upset with my life's pattern,
I went to a pundit & asked wt has happened,
He said,"HE IS NOT HOME",I asked,"WHO?",
He said," Your planet called SATURN !".

Then he looked at me with winky eye,
I also took my finger and scratched my tie,

He said," I can bring him back but money is what I lack !",
I witted a little because I knew he was son of a black beatle,
I said," oh ! Do it, I can bear no more pain and please make it fast,it's about to rain",
He replied," Time is a luxury that is not mine,look back, Do u see people standing in line?",

It took few minutes and some dollars, surprisingly the figure was same,
I came back home and told my mom,she said," Akshay that was lame ! "
I thought a little what was I was upset about?
I got the answer," It was a false belief that was kindling me to loose my money to a tout"

So I learnt something, that the cause of unhappiness is only one thing..
The false beliefs that we have in our head,
Beliefs so widespread,
So commonly held,
Every-night we go with them in our bed.

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